Professional Student Coaching
In its essence, it includes supporting the student to provide self-awareness. Student coaching or training coaching, in this sense, is a service aimed at providing educational support to students in their learning life.
In student coaching work:
– getting to know the individual,
– revealing learning methods and individual characteristics,
– ensuring effective, systematic and efficient work,
– removing the obstacles to success,
– increase self-confidence,
– ensuring harmony between educational institution, family and individual….
Exam Coaching
Exam coaching is a consultancy service that includes special methods for primary, secondary and high school students. The main objectives of this program can be listed as the exam coach student’s self-recognition, determining his goals, clarifying how to climb the path to success, and getting rid of the intense stress experienced by the family and the student about the exam.
Exam Coaching Studies:
Learn about exams
Determining the steps to be followed in the exam preparation process
Determining the exam strategy
Document detection, Assignment and follow-up
Weekly performance evaluation
Exam analysis evaluation